EverFE 2.24

Free Simulate and analyse the response of JPCP systems
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EverFE is a user-friendly 3D finite-element analysis tool for simulating the response of jointed plain concrete pavement (JPCP) systems to axle loads and environmental effects. EverFE is useful for both concrete pavement researchers and designers who must perform either complex nonlinear or simple linear stress analyses of JPCP.
EverFE couples a highly interactive graphical user interface for model development and result visualization written in Tcl/Tk/Tix/vTk with finite-element code written in object-oriented C . The finite element analysis strategies are very computationally efficient and focus on specific phenomena that are significant for JPCP.
Specialized elements and constitutive relations are used to model dowel and aggregate interlock load transfer across transverse and longitudinal pavement joints, as well as shear transfer between the pavements slabs and base layer.
The core solver is based on a multigrid-preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm suitable for use with un-nested mesh sequences, multiple element types, and problems involving inequality constraints arising from nodal contact.
Main features:
-1, 2, or 3 slab/shoulder units can be modeled longitudinally and/or transversely (up to 9 slab/shoulder units total in a 3x3 configuration). Tie bars can be explicitly specified between adjacent slab/shoulder units.
-Up to three elastic base layers with a bonded or un-bonded base can be specified. Slab-base shear transfer can be captured via an elastic-plastic distributed horizontal stiffness between the slabs and base. A tensionless or tension-supporting dense liquid foundation underlies the bottom-most model layer.
-Linear or nonlinear aggregate interlock can be simulated at transverse joints.
-Dowels can be precisely located across transverse joints, and dowel looseness modeled. In lieu of modeling dowel looseness, a dowel-slab support modulus can be specified to model dowel/slab interaction.
-Dowel misalignment and mislocation can be modeled.
-A variety of different axle configurations can be easily defined with a minimum amount of input.
-Linear, bilinear, and trilinear thermal gradients through the slab thickness can be captured.
-EverFE's extensive post-processing capabilities permit the visualization of stresses, displacements, and internal dowel forces and moments. Critical response values at any point in the model can be easily retrieved.
-Interactive help files are integral with the latest versions, and accessible from EverFE's help menu. The help files include tutorials to help new users get acquainted with the software.


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